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Novice Errors Detection for C Programs

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Option #1 - Select files to upload

Use the file-browser below to select, one by one, all the .c or .h files in your project. Leave empty browsers if you do not need to analyze this many files. When you use the "Analyze" button, your files will be uploaded & analyzed. A new tab will open in your browser with a full report on possible errors.

Option #2 - Drag and Drop the files to upload

You might alternatively select a bunch of files in your file browser then drag and drop them here...

Drop Files Here to Upload

Option #3 - Upload a zip of your projet

You may alternatively zip your entire project folder then select the resulting zip file to upload

Things to keep in mind

This web app has been developed for Firefox. You may download a portable firefox version if you do not want to fully install it on your system. It should work on other standards-adhering browsing

Keep in mind these are potential errors, things you should take another look at in order to make sure they are not mistakes. Unfortunately, there is so much a program may do to understand another program.

Do not hesitate to drop us feedback, see about details here. If you want to learn a bit more about this project read here

Search through our tutorials

This table lists all our tutorials so you may peruse through them. The number of views for each is also displayed; this is not the number of times the error occured in an uploaded set of files but rather the number of times a user clicked on the messages hyperlinked to this tutorial in order to read it.

Similarly, the usefulness is based on the number of users who clicked yes at the bottom of a tutorial page. The uselessness is based on the number of those who clicked no.

The Freq. value represents how often the errors or warnings which the tutorial explains have been found during uploaded files analysis. It is a good estimate of the frequency of the underlying bugs among all NED users

Do not hesitate to use the mini-survey feature which you will find in the last section of each tutorial page. It helps identify both the tutorials in need of improvement but also those we should use as models.

Name From Type Details Views Useful Useless Freq.
Unused VariablesCompilerWarningVariable declared, maybe even assigned, but never used5001929
Undeclared VariablesCompilerErrorUndeclared variable used4322264
Undefined ReferencesLinkerErrorUndefined reference to function or variable4311
Missing Return StatementAnalyzerWarningFunction is missing return statement411071
Missing Array SizeCompilerErrorThe size of an array is not specified381148
Empty BlockAnalyzerWarningYour program features an empty block4112123
Single Quote StringCompilerWarningUsing single quote as string delimiter415362
Unexpected Break StatementAnalyzerWarningUnexpected break statement400037
Missing break statementAnalyzerWarningMissing break statement3383
Unreachable StatementsAnalyzerWarningUnreachable statements421779
= vs. ==CompilerWarningAssignment used in Boolean expression7421246
Unary OPs in Larger ExprAnalyzerWarningUnary operators used in larger expression4200232
Bitwise vs. LogicalAnalyzerWarningUse of bitwise binary operator instead of logical operator4001159
Expected SemicolonCompilerErrorExpected semi-colon392143
Dangling PointerAnalyzerWarningDangling pointer393178
Dereferencing NULLAnalyzerWarningDereferencing NULL pointer442534
Dereferencing Incomplete TypesCompilerErrorDereferencing a pointer to an incomplete data type3933381
Multi-free on same memory blockAnalyzerWarningFreeing multiple times the same memory block450138
Memory LeakAnalyzerWarningMemory leak4404116
Freeing unallocated pointerAnalyzerWarningFreeing non-allocated memory5122121
sizeof on PointerAnalyzerWarningUsing sizeof operator on pointer4112
Uninitialized PointersAnalyzerWarningUnitialized pointer3616
Discarding Ptrs QualifiersCompilerWarningAssignment or cast discards pointers qualifier4111
Unchecked MallocAnalyzerWarningReturn value from malloc or similar function is not checked4301231
Unexpected EOFCompilerErrorUnexpected EOF433337
Unterminated literalCompilerErrorMissing end-delimiter for character or string literal4121284
Useless ValueAnalyzerWarningStatement results in a value which is never used4131593
Void not IgnoredCompilerErrorAttempting to use a void returned value610661
Missing EOF NewlineCompilerWarningMissing newline at end of file3430
Multiple Unary Ops on VariableCompilerWarningUsing multiple unary operators on same variable in a single expression4203120
Empty Char LiteralCompilerErrorEmpty character literal403246
Using Uninitialized VariableCompilerWarningVariable not initialized412243
Forward Parameter DeclarationCompilerErrorParameter has a forward-declaration49031514
Unexpected Data TypesCompilerErrorUnexpected multiple data types where one is expected4503119
Unexpected Arguments NumberCompilerErrorUnexpected number of arguments391082
Mismatch numbers for args / specifiersCompilerWarningThere is a mismatch between the number of format specifiers used in a printf or scanf, and their arguments3621196
Mismatch types for args / specifiersCompilerWarningThere is a mismatch between the data type of format specifiers used in a printf or scanf, and the data type of the corresponding argument4622528
Using unknwon struct fieldCompilerErrorUnknown struct field442090
Parameters Storage ClassCompilerErrorStorage class specified for parameter382043
Shadowed IdentifierAnalyzerWarningShadowing variable already in scope372126
Argument ConversionCompilerWarningArguments data type is converted4220238
Modifying ParametersAnalyzerWarningFormal parameters are assigned inside function422062
Assign Integer to PointerCompilerWarningAssigning non-NULL constant to Pointer4601118
Mixed Pointers DeclarationsAnalyzerWarningDeclaring variables in one statement with pointer and non-pointer data types4020
Missing Function DeclarationCompilerWarningMissing function declaration3731
Function should not be exportedAnalyzerWarningFunction is not static to its file, yet unused in other files5830542
Off by oneAnalyzerWarningA loop might be off by one in its number of iteration; e.g. start at 0 instead of 1340018
Formatting String MismatchAnalyzerWarningA printf or scanf is using a formatting string with conversion specifiers unrelated to the parameters3601
Assign pointer to integerAnalyzerWarningAssigning memory address to variable expecting integer370060